Hello Parents and Students!
Tomorrow we will move from a closed campus to an open campus for lunch. Mrs. Meier sent home permission slips last week. Parents need to sign the slip if you want your student to leave during lunch. This allows students to drive and/or ride with others.
Our 2nd grade students were busy being engineers making bridges to see if they could hold a pack of batteries.
Wednesday is picture day. We will begin at 8 AM in Mrs. Henson's room.
We will be taking school pictures on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Every student PK - 12 will have their picture taken. Please have them dress appropriately. Thank you! A reminder will be sent home soon. Call 701-575-4275 for more information.
We have donated school supplies and back packs available for any students that need them. Please contact Mrs. Olson or Ms Anna at 701-575-4275 for more information.
These chairs and desks are being replaced in the elementary. They are FREE if you would like them, some or all. Help yourself. Please pick them up ASAP. They will be outside along the south side of the school.
Join us and help out the Bantam basketball teams.
Mark your calendars! Wednesday, July 19....Belfield Bantam Basketball pavilion dinner fundraiser. Bring your appetite, come meet the coaches and players, and help support YOUR Belfield Bantam Basketball programs! #RollBantams
Congratulations to all who made the honor roll! Thanks for all of your hard work!!
May Newsletter - Have a great summer!
Our Kindergarten class held their graduation last Friday, May 12. Congratulations!!
We would like to welcome Mr. Jace Kocer to our staff. Mr. Kocer will be teaching 6th grade starting this fall. Miss Shepard will be moving to the jr. high. We are excited to have Mr. Kocer join our teaching staff!
Our 2023 Band Night parade was ultimately rained out, but nothing can keep our Cougar band down! We still had a great day! (Not pictured, Ava, Jovi, Aubrey and Tessa)
The 3rd graders had so much fun on the field trip to the police department and the bowling alley! Thank you to Officer Praus and the Dickinson PD for allowing them to tour the police department!
Join the fun!
Elementary parents! Please check this out!!
Want to see what all the fuss is about with our Region X music performances and speech selections!? Here's your chance to check out our Fine Arts Show Case TOMORROW at 6:30 in the music room!!
Yearbook time!
Our students have been working very hard on this year’s yearbook, our theme picked by the seniors is “Off The Record”. You can preorder your 2022-2023 yearbook by talking to or emailing Mr. Klein. Books cost $40 and payment is due upon ordering. Books will be available for pickup in early August.
While we are a little late getting this posted, let's be serious, these ladies deserve to be celebrated every day! We are so thankful for our amazing principals Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Meier! Happy Principal Appreciation day. We appreciate you and your leadership. Belfield is so lucky to have you both!
We have the results from state music!
Emily Ruffin and Elise Fugere represented our school at the State Music Festival this weekend in Minot. Emily received a STAR (highest) ranking for her vocal solo and Elise received a 1 (second highest) for her vocal solo. Congratulations ladies! Thanks also to our wonderful accompanist Michelle Shock!